Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Great Ruminations of a Very Critical and Curious Woman in Washington DC!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Delicious Steak Recipe

Tonight, I made steak and steak fries. It was totally delicious, and it cost less than $5 for the both of us.
Here is the recipe I used. Below, I've noted a few changes I made.


First, I don't know if I used real flank steak- I just used whatever steak we had- uh, the pieces were big. That's all I know about that.

Also, when beating it down to 1/2 inch, use the tenderizer side a bit, because ours came out just a little rough. Also, make it as thin as you can- I think it would be worth the effort.

As for the marinade, I changed it a bit. Here is what I used:

2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar (same as recipe)
5 tbsp. olive oil
4 dashes worchestershire sauce
2 tbsp. soy sauce
2 cloves garlic (same as recipe)

I don't have any scallions for the stuffing, so I used chives that I grow instead. They worked beautifully. I'm certain that you could substitute the scallions for chives or green onions.

As for tying the steak, I didn't do it- but not because I didn't want to-- only because I didn't have any cooking thread, and I was sure that using a potentially combustible shoelace or toothfloss would cause more trouble than it was worth. So, I layed the steaks seam-down on the cookie sheet (with foil, of course) and sculpted the foil to support the shape of the steaks rolled. Unfortunately, this didn't work very well, and within 10 minutes of cooking, the steaks unrolled (well, one of them partially stayed curved, which was pretty cute). But this obviously doesn't effect the flavor, so if you have thread, use it- they'll be beautiful. If not, try to keep them rolled, and if it doesn't work, don't sweat it.

I decided to cook some steak fries to go along with it.

I first boiled them for a few minutes to soften them, then I drained them and tossed them with olive oil, kosher salt, chili powder, & pepper (with tongs, of course! They are still hot!)

I put them in the oven with the steaks at 450 degrees, and then turned them once after about 15 minutes of cooking. I let them cook 15 more minutes or so, checking them for softness. When they were finally soft, I took them out and sprinkled parmesiano arregiano on them. It really make them taste amazing. They also had a bit of a crisp to them- so nice!

I hope that someone makes this delicious recipe! It was so good!




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