Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Great Ruminations of a Very Critical and Curious Woman in Washington DC!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Ceviche in Silver Spring

I learned a few things from my trip to Ceviche tonight:

1) People who are young and trendy...or old and think that they are trendy...don't like it when you bring your sweet 5 month-old to a restaurant (even if he doesn't cry or make any unpleasant anythings).

2) Men are nicer to women who have their hair down cause it makes them look prettier most of the time.

3) Ceviche's food is not nearly as good as La Flor de la Canela in Gaithersburg, but it's more than twice the price.

4) After spending $108 on dinner, it makes you feel really bad if it wasn't great.

Does that sum up this ridiculous place?

Oh, and they don't even have frozen margaritas, so my big plans to go to a latin place and get a springy drink to celebrate March were also crushed. And their espresso isn't even good. Jesus.

The one good thing: This appetizer we got was so goddamn good. I could eat it for every meal. It's the first one on the appetizer list. I don't remember what it was called or even what was in it. And the waitress was nice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

11:06 AM


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